{% call tc::talent_card("code", "Web development", "Extensive expertise in creating performant, live web applications and websites.",) %}
{% call tc::talent_card("gamepad", "Game development", "Creating games with passion. Capable of producing each aspect of a good game with profesional sound and creative mechanics. I consider games as multidisciplinary art.") %}
{% call tc::talent_card("person-chalkboard", "Mentoring & Consulting", "I offer consulting sessions to assist you in developing higher-quality software and share insights from crafting robust, professional web applications. Schedule a session with me and elevate your projects together.") %}
{% for technology in technology_list %}
{% endfor %}
{% if project_list.len() == 0 %}
You've found void in the space.
{% else %}
{% for project in project_list %}
{% include "components/project_preview_card.html" %}