{%- import "components/talent_card.html" as tc -%} {%- import "components/social_card.html" as sc -%} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Introduction{% endblock %} {% block content %} <header class="index-header hidden"> <figure class="profile-pic"> <picture> <img alt="Portrait" {# TODO generate `srcset` for optimal image #} {# TODO Take a new photo #} src="/images/profile-portugal-landscape.jpg" /> </picture> </figure> <p class="motto"> <cite>“Let your ambition carry you.”</cite> <span class="cite-owner">- La Flame</span> </p> </header> <h2 class="text-blue-950 font-semibold text-2xl m-5">About me</h2> <p class="mx-5"> Welcome to my personal website. My name is <strong>Michal Vanko</strong> and I'm a <em> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programmer">programmer</a> </em> . I am developing software for more than half of my life and <strong>I love it!</strong> Sometimes I stream working on my side projects and building a <a href="https://discord.gg/2cGg7kwZEh">community of like minded people</a>. Here you can find blogs of my thoughts and journeys, as well as links to my socials where you can see other content.</p> <section id="talent-cards"> {% call tc::talent_card("code", "Web development", "Extensive expertise in creating performant, live web applications and websites") %} {% call tc::talent_card("gamepad", "Game development", "Extensive expertise in creating performant, live web applications and websites") %} {% call tc::talent_card("person-chalkboard", "Mentoring & Consulting", "I offer consulting sessions to assist you in developing <strong>higher-quality software</strong> and share insights from crafting robust, professional web applications. <a href=\"TODO callendly\">Schedule a session with me</a> and elevate your projects together.") %} </section <section id="blog"> <h2 class="text-blue-950 font-semibold text-2xl m-5">Blog</h2> <section id="blog-tags"> <ul class="mx-5"> {% for tag in blog_tags %} <li class="inline-block mx-0.5 p-0.5"> <a href="/blog/tags/{{tag}}" class="text-pink-950">#{{tag|capitalize}}</a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </section> <hr class="border-blue-950 m-5"> <ul class="mx-5"> {% for post in featured_blog_posts %} <li> {% include "components/blog_post_preview.html" %} <hr class="border-blue-950 my-5"> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </section> <section id="socials"> <h2 class="text-blue-950 font-semibold text-2xl m-5">Socials</h2> {% call sc::social_card_start("twitch", "I stream (almost) regularly on <em>twitch.tv</em>") %} <!-- <script src= "https://player.twitch.tv/js/embed/v1.js"></script> --> <!-- <div id="twitch-player" class="h-64 aspect-video rounded overflow-hidden"></div> --> <!-- <script type="text/javascript"> --> <!-- var options = { --> <!-- width: "100%", --> <!-- height: "100%", --> <!-- channel: "michalvankodev", --> <!-- parent: ["localhost"] --> <!-- }; --> <!-- var player = new Twitch.Player("twitch-player", options); --> <!-- player.setVolume(0.5); --> </script> {% call sc::social_card_end() %} {% call sc::social_card_start("tiktok", "Highlights can be found on <em>TikTok</em>") %} <!-- STYLES needed to overwrite tiktok embed css --> <!-- <blockquote --> <!-- class="h-64 aspect-video overflow-hidden p-0 m-0 tiktok-embed bg-pink-200" --> <!-- cite="https://www.tiktok.com/@michalvankodev" --> <!-- data-unique-id="michalvankodev" --> <!-- data-embed-from="embed_page" --> <!-- data-embed-type="creator" --> <!-- style="max-width:780px; min-width:288px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 8px" --> <!-- > --> <!-- <section> --> <!-- <a target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/@michalvankodev?refer=creator_embed">@michalvankodev</a> --> <!-- </section> --> <!-- </blockquote> --> <!-- <script async src="https://www.tiktok.com/embed.js"></script> --> {% call sc::social_card_end() %} {% call sc::social_card_start("youtube", "Vlogs and highlights can be found on <em>YouTube</em>") %} <!-- TODO create our own youtube widget which will populate this window on build --> <!-- <iframe --> <!-- class="h-64 aspect-video" --> <!-- id="ytplayer" --> <!-- type="text/html" --> <!-- width="100%" --> <!-- height="100%" --> <!-- src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=playlist&list=PLjUl8tFKyR8rCsckLn93PAwQg6tf0cyBl&enablejsapi=1&color=white" --> <!-- frameborder="0" --> <!-- allowfullscreen --> <!-- ></iframe> --> {% call sc::social_card_end() %} {% call sc::social_card_start("instagram", "Photos and stories shared on <em>Instagram</em>") %} <!-- <blockquote class="instagram-media aspect-video h-64" data-instgrm-permalink="https://www.instagram.com/michalvankodev/" data-instgrm-version="12" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; height:256px; max-height:100%;"></blockquote><script async src="https://www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script> --> {% call sc::social_card_end() %} </section> <hr class="border-blue-950 m-5"> <section id="showcase"> <h2 class="text-blue-950 font-semibold text-2xl m-5">Showcase</h2> <ul class="mx-5"> {% for project in featured_projects %} <li class="my-2"> {% include "components/project_preview_card.html" %} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </section> {% endblock %}