Michal Vanko 8341320b23
Some checks failed
test / cargo test (push) Failing after 1m16s
perfected the animation
2024-10-25 21:58:53 +02:00

196 lines
7.0 KiB

{%- import "components/talent_card.html" as tc -%}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block og_meta %}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{title}} @michalvankodev" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:url" content="https://michalvanko.dev/showcase" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://michalvanko.dev/images/m-logo.svg" />
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<header class="max-w-read mx-auto md:grid md:grid-cols-[1fr_auto]">
<h1 class="px-4 my-2 text-4xl text-blue-950 font-extrabold md:text-6xl xl:text-7xl xl:mb-4 xl:mt-10">Michal Vanko</h1>
<h3 class="px-4 my-1 text-2xl text-blue-900 font-bold italic md:text-3xl xl:text-4xl">Software Architect by passion</h3>
<section id="contact" class="mt-4">
<ul class="max-w-[24rem] mx-auto md:mx-6">
{% for link in contact_links %}
<li class="my-2">
class="flex border-2 place-content-center items-center rounded-full text-blue-900 border-blue-500 py-2 hover:bg-pink-200 fill-blue-900 hover:fill-blue-400 transition-colors no-underline"
<svg aria-hidden="true" class="h-6 w-6 mx-2 self-start">
<use xlink:href="#{{link.svg}}" />
<span class="text-lg font-semibold print:hidden">{{link.label}}</span>
<span class="hidden print:inline text-sm">{{link.href}}</span>
{% endfor %}
<aside id="logo-container" class="hidden md:block h-[320px] w-[320px] m-10">
#logo-container svg {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
{% include "icons/m-logo-animated.svg" %}
<script src="/resources/anime.min.js"></script>
var borderTimeline = anime.timeline({
duration: 2000,
easing: 'easeInOutSine',
targets: '#m-logo #border-start',
strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, -310],
duration: 2000,
easing: 'easeOutExpo'
}, 0)
targets: '#m-logo #m-letter-start',
strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, -447.4],
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
duration: 2000,
}, 0)
targets: '#m-logo #border',
strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, 0],
easing: 'easeInOutSine',
duration: 2000,
complete: (animation) => {
const target = animation.animatables[0].target
target.setAttribute("fill", "url('#bg-gradient')")
var bgAnimationTimeline = anime.timeline()
targets: '#m-logo #bg-gradient #bg-stop',
offset: "0%",
stopColor: "rgba(216, 246, 255, 1)",
easing: 'easeInQuint',
duration: 123,
targets: '#m-logo #bg-gradient #bg-stop',
offset: "100%",
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
duration: 333,
}, 160)
targets: '#m-logo #m-letter',
strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDashoffset, 0],
easing: 'easeInOutSine',
duration: 1800,
}, 160)
targets: '#m-logo #m-letter',
easing: 'easeInOutSine',
duration: 333,
fill: "#32a8eb",
strokeWidth: "0",
// background
targets: '#m-logo #border',
easing: 'easeInCirc',
fill: ["rgba(216, 246, 255, 0)", "rgba(216, 246, 255, 1)"],
duration: 1500,
}, 160)
targets: '#m-logo #border',
easing: 'easeInCirc',
fill: ["rgba(216, 246, 255, 0)", "rgba(216, 246, 255, 1)"],
duration: 1500,
}, 160) */
<section id="portfolio-body" class="article-body">
{{ body|parse_markdown|safe }}
<section id="skillsets" class="max-w-maxindex mx-auto xl:grid xl:gap-8 xl:grid-cols-3">
<section id="work-history" class="max-w-read mx-auto xl:row-span-2">
<h2 class="m-5 text-3xl text-blue-950 font-extrabold md:text-4xl xl:font-medium">Work experience</h2>
<ul class="m-6 grid grid-flow-row gap-6">
{% for skill in workplace_list %}
{% include "components/skill_card.html" %}
{% endfor %}
<section id="education" class="max-w-read mx-auto">
<h2 class="m-5 text-3xl text-blue-950 font-extrabold md:text-4xl xl:font-medium">Education</h2>
<ul class="m-6 grid grid-flow-row gap-6">
{% for skill in education_list %}
{% include "components/skill_card.html" %}
{% endfor %}
<section id="skills" class="max-w-read mx-auto">
<h2 class="m-5 text-3xl text-blue-950 font-extrabold md:text-4xl xl:font-medium">Skills</h2>
<ul class="m-6 grid grid-flow-row gap-6">
{% call tc::talent_card("code", "Web development", "Extensive expertise in creating performant, live web applications and websites.",) %}
{% call tc::talent_card("gamepad", "Game development", "Creating games with passion. Capable of producing each aspect of a good game with profesional sound and creative mechanics. I consider games as multidisciplinary art.") %}
{% call tc::talent_card("person-chalkboard", "Mentoring & Consulting", "I offer consulting sessions to assist you in developing <strong>higher-quality software</strong> and share insights from crafting robust, professional web applications. <a href=\"https://calendly.com/michalvankosk/30min\">Schedule a session with me</a> and elevate your projects together.") %}
<section id="technologies" class="max-w-read mx-auto xl:col-span-2">
<h2 class="m-5 text-3xl text-blue-950 font-extrabold md:text-4xl xl:font-medium">Technologies</h2>
<ul class="m-6 flex gap-2 flex-wrap justify-center">
{% for technology in technology_list %}
<li class="p-2 text-pink-900 bg-blue-100 text-sm border rounded border-blue-300 font-mono">
{% endfor %}
<section id="project-list-container" class="max-w-maxindex mx-auto">
<section id="project-list">
{% if project_list.len() == 0 %}
<p class="no-posts">You've found void in the space.</p>
{% else %}
<h2 class="m-5 text-3xl text-blue-950 font-extrabold md:text-5xl">
<ul class="m-6 grid grid-flow-row gap-6 md:grid-cols-2 md:grid-rows-[masonry] md:justify-stretch md:items-stretch xl:grid-cols-3">
{% for project in project_list %}
{% include "components/project_preview_card.html" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
</section> <!-- /#project-list -->
</section> <!-- /#project-list-container -->
{% endblock %}